Argument Assignment Reflection

With such a broad prompt, it was difficult for me to begin writing the Argument Assignment Paper. I could not think of how to begin or how to organize the prompt in a way in which I could argue for it. However, once I come up with my main point, it became much easier to write. The sources of “Prisoners of Hope” and “Letter from Birmingham Jail” helped me compose a concrete argument. It was originally difficult to think of another more current example that dealt with hope; however, once I looked up “hope,” I instantly found Barack Obama’s famous campaign poster, which related very much to Martin Luther King Jr. and Cornel West’s arguments. As an African-American president, something unimaginable during Dr. King’s life, Obama’s election shows how Dr. King’s action brought a change he had hoped for. Additionally, watching Shadyac’s documentary film “I Am” after writing my first draft served as another good example to support the argument in my essay.

Furthermore, the peer review group proved very helpful in the completion of my essay. I received very helpful feedback that made my final draft much more organized and concise than the first. Having two different peer editors helped make sure that everything that needed to be fixed was and that my point came across correctly, which I think does in my final draft. I had never really thought about the depth of the word “Hope” (even though it is literally my middle name!) and how important it has been throughout our history as a society.

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